【同义词辨析】 2019-07-26 不同distinct-discrete
distinct: indicates that something is distinguished by the mind or eye as being apart or different from others: each and every bowl is hand-decorated and ~. (distinguish辨别分清区分,指看出理解两个人或物之间的不同,to see or understand the difference between two people or things用法是to distinguish between A and B或to distinguish A from B,如at what age are children able to distinguish between right and wrong?儿童到什么年龄才能明辨是非? 如it was hard to distinguish one twin from the other很难分辨出一对孪生儿谁是谁,如sometimes reality and fantasy are hard to distinguish有时候现实和幻想很难区分)
separate: often stresses lack of connection in space or time or a difference in identity between the things in question: the two schools are ~ and unequal. (identity有2个意思: 1、身份实体means who you are,如identity list实体清单,身份证identity card; 2、个性特征characteristics that distinguish people from others,如national/cultural/personal/group identity民族/文化/个人/群体特征,如for one thing, being a problem gives you a certain identity一方面,作为问题会使你具有某种个性,经典新四第6课讲年轻人追求identity,这里可以理解成1或2,认为是2)
several: indicates distinctness, difference, or separation from similar items: a survey of the ~ opinions of the new building.
discrete: strongly emphasizes individuality and lack of material connection DESPITE apparent similarity or continuity: two ~ issues are being confused here. 两个独自的问题 离散数学discrete mathematics
distinct不同: 表示可以用思维或肉眼分辨出与其它不同,separate分离独立: 强调空间时间上无连接,或身份不同,several不同: 表示相似事项间有不同,discrete独自离散: 强调单独,没有连接,尽管看上去相似连续
记忆方法: 1)首字母DSSD想成胆色胆识<==不同
2)不同的意思是各不相同mean not being each and every one the same. (each和every都表示"每一个",但有微小区别,each是"单独考虑"的每一个,而every是"整体考虑"的每一个: "each" means all considered individually, while "every" means all considered together as one. 如each dog barked表示每条狗都叫了,但强调的是单独每条狗都叫了,而every dog barks表示这些狗作为整体都会叫,并不强调单独每条狗。英语中两个词常一起用,如本例中each and every是固定搭配)